Web Developer & Software Engineer

I specialize in building modern, high-performance web applications with a strong focus on user experience and functionality.

Web Developer • Software Developer • Web Developer • Software Developer •

Tech Stacks I am Familiar With

JavaScript logoJavaScript
TypeScript logoTypeScript
Next.js logoNext.js
React logoReact
Tailwind logoTailwind
Node.js logoNode.js
Express logoExpress
MongoDB logoMongoDB
Bootstrap logoBootstrap
Git logoGit
GitHub logoGitHub

My Projects

  • MyDay

    A full-stack e-commerce solution with real-time inventory management and secure payment processing.

  • Weather Forecast App

    A mobile-responsive web app that provides accurate weather forecasts using geolocation and third-party APIs.

    Vue.jsWeather APIGeolocation API
  • PixelCraft

    A blogging platform where users can create, edit, and delete their posts. Features include user authentication and real-time commenting.

    Next.jsMongoDBCloudinary APIClerkStripe
  • Portfolio Website

    A personal portfolio website showcasing my projects, skills, and contact information. Built with a modern design and responsive layout.

    Next JsTailwind CSSFramerReact icons